In this ongoing class, participants will develop an art project every week while learning how to use different art techniques led by AP.
She has an MS in Education and a BA in Graphic Design. In her classes, she promotes that we are all creative and art is fun.
You can go to "About AP" on the main page to get to know Angela a little more, and browse the page to see all of her art.
Summer Camp: 5th-8th (3-7 students)
Participants will produce a vibrant dandelion field using acrylics, brushes and Q-tips.
Materials to bring: Canvas (12" or smaller) , Acrylics or tempera, Paintbrushes (3-4 different sizes/shapes),
Q-tips (10 approx.), Paint palettes(to serve and mix around 8 colors) & Water, Water dish. Recycled containers and plastic lids can be used instead. Pencil and eraser.
Optional: Apron, Surface Protector (old news papers can work), Gloves.

Week Two: Autumn Tree (2-6 students)
Participants will produce an amazing Autumn tree using acrylics, brushes and cotton balls.
Materials to bring: Canvas (12" or smaller) , Acrylics or tempera, Paintbrushes (1 large one, preferably flat, 2-3 smaller round), Cotton balls (enough to fill a small zip lock bag), Clothes pins (2-3), Paint palettes (to serve and mix around 5 colors) & Water dish. Recycled containers and plastic lids can be used instead. Pencil, eraser and water.
Optional: Apron, Surface Protector (old news papers can work), Gloves.

Week Three: Sunset Hills (2-6 students)
Participants will produce a wonderful sunset hill using acrylics, brushes.
Materials to bring: Canvas (12"-16") , Acrylics or tempera, Paintbrushes (4-5 different size and shape), Plastic forks (1-2) Paint palettes (to serve and mix around 5 colors), Water and Water dish. Recycled containers and plastic lids can be used instead. Pencil, eraser and water.
Optional: Apron, Surface Protector (old news paper can work), Gloves.

Week Four: Leaves (2-6 students)
Participants will produce a back to basics t piece.
Materials to bring: Canvas (12"-16" by 3/4" depth), Acrylics or tempera, Paper cups (4), Surface Protector (newspapers can be used), Paint palettes, Water, and Water dish. Recycled containers and plastic lids can be used instead.
Optional: Apron, Gloves.